Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar
After the ideas article to create content and how to write a blog article, explain how to plan and order all these concepts to apply it to our content strategy. That's why we need to create an editorial calendar.

What is an editorial calendar?

An editorial calendar is a document from which we plan the content publications that are made in the different channels. Editorial calendars are used for both social networks and the blog. This calendar must be adapted to our needs in order to be useful and help us in the organization and optimization of the chosen content strategy.

Why does an editorial calendar serve?

It is a document that provides many uses, we mention some:

Apply a content marketing strategy.

Optimization of our time in the planning and publication of content in the social networks and blog.

Mark and define a brand image.

Planning of the contents that will be published during the chosen period.

Coordinate tasks with the other team members.

Obtain the approval of the contents that will be published by a client or the person responsible.

Avoid duplicate content. These are visual and help to better visualize the contents.


What information should the editorial calendar include?

It is important that this calendar is made to measure and according to the needs of each one. In any case, we will detail the basic points that the document must include:

Publication date: scheduled day of publication of the post or article.

Author: When this editorial schedule is made among several people it is important to know who the person who is responsible for doing this article or publication. In this way we can have a control of the workload that this person has.

Category: helps you know what scope will be the publication, for example if we have a beauty and health company, the different categories can be: food, beauty, health, healthy sport, etc. These can match the categories defined in the blog. This way it will also help us not to repeat a lot of the same topic.

State: it helps us to have control over how this work is. We can divide this point into:

postponed, which is left for another time.


Study keywords, see what keywords we will work on in the article or the labels that we will use in the post.

started, when the author has already begun to work with the article or in the post.

ready, when we already have the article or post ready for publication.

Posted, when we have it already published.

Objective: It is very important to have an objective in each one of the publications we make, these can be classified:

Web traffic, when the goal of the post or article is to attract traffic to the channel or the web.

leads, when the goal is to achieve a conversion (sale, download, form, etc.).

Links, when the objective is to work the external and internal links of the web.

branding, when we want to work on the presence of a brand or position ourselves as experts in a thematic one.

Membership, when we want to work in collaboration with another company.

Title: What title will our article have or what part of the text will our publication on a social network.

Keywords: It is important to have done a preliminary study of keywords that we want to work on in each article or labels in the publications.

URL: Which URL will our article or url we will share on social networks.

Image: In case there is an image in the article or post on social networks, it must be specified what it will be. Also in case you decide to share a video you can put in this section or the URL.

Languages: in which languages ​​the publication will be made, it is also very important and will depend exclusively on the strategy that has been chosen.

Channels: where we publish it: blog, facebook, instagram, twitter, etc.

In this list we can also put a column to specify the time of the publication, comments or specifications, target audience, call to action (CTA), attachments, etc.

We leave you an editorial calendar template to have a guide.

Do you have any questions or do you need us to advise you? Contact our marketing experts without obligation.